Chalmette Battlefield

Carrying the weight of the battle once fought here, the Chalmette Battlefield is often captured cloaked in fog, with its preserved era-accurate cannons visible on a distant ridge.

Originally made famous as the site of the Battle of New Orleans in 1815, the Chalmette Battlefield now contains a reconstructed American rampart, an 1830s house, and the 100-foot-high Chalmette Monument. Also present is the Chalmette National Cemetery, established during the Civil War housing graves of more than 14,000 Americans from the War of 1812 to the Vietnam War. One need only study the actual events of the Battle of New Orleans to be inspired as to the type of dramatic shots that could be set in this location.

Contact: St. Bernard Office of Tourism & Film,


Bayou Yscloskey


Chalmette Ferry